Year 2 Team
Mrs Burton / Miss Tong- KS1 Leaders, Heads of Year 2
Angel class - Mrs K Burton / Miss J Tong
Abbey class - Mrs Hindocha/Mrs Stamp
Niagara class - Miss Standing
Victoria class - Miss Whale
PE: In Year 2, every child is expected to wear their PE kit to school each Tuesday and Thursday (unless informed otherwise by email or a letter).
If your child cannot take part in PE, we need a signed letter confirming the reason/reasons why. Please ensure that earrings have been removed (before school) or taped on these days.
Core home learning: - Reading: Daily reading has a huge impact on learning across the whole curriculum. Your child will bring home a reading book and their reading record every day. Every night, please listen to your child read, discuss the book with them as well as ask questions to help build their comprehension skills. Please indicate in their reading record when they have read. An adult will check and initial their reading record every day, and change their book accordingly. If they have read every night, the children will receive a special Star Reader certificate.
Word Walls: Word Walls are proven to help children learn frequently occurring words by sight, thus aiding their reading skills. Your child’s teacher will send home a word wall. Please learn these words so that they can be read quickly, without any need for sounding out or blending, and return these to school when you feel your child is confident. An adult in school will then check these and send home the next Word Wall if they are ready.
High Frequency Word Sets: Following completion of all Word Walls, High Frequency Spelling Sets will be sent home each half term. Please help your child to learn the spellings on the list and return in the last week of each half term for checking. An adult in school will say the word an ask your child to spell out the word using the letter names (not the sound it makes).
Number Bonds: Learning number bonds help to improve mathematical recall and have a great impact on their calculation skills. Please help your child to learn one number bond story at a time. As soon as your child is fluent and confident in that story, please return to school to be checked by an adult and moved onto the next story. Your child will receive a sticker in their card each time they complete a number bond story. Once all stories have been completed at bronze level, they will continue to complete silver and gold levels (these are explained on the back of the number bonds card).
Reading Comprehensions: Throughout the year, as appropriate to your child’s reading attainment, class teachers will begin to send home reading comprehensions. Reading comprehensions will be sent home on a Wednesday. Please work with your child to complete the reading comprehension by reading the short text and answering the questions. Please encourage your child to look back the text to help them find the answer. Each week, the reading comprehension will focus on a different skill. When the comprehension is complete please return to school for the class teacher to mark.
Optional homework: English, Maths and Science activities will be available on Education City and Mathletics.
Reading at home – Questions to ask which support the development of comprehension skills
Expectations for the end of Year 2
Useful websites for Year 2
School policies:
The Bedonwell Federation School Policies, including the calculation policy which may be used to support your child’s Maths learning, can be found at:
Working together
At the Bedonwell Federation we are passionate about working as a team with parents and carers to support the learning and wellbeing of every child. If you have any questions, queries or information that you wish to discuss with us, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher or the Head of Year.
We look forward to working with you and your child this year.
The Year 2 Team